
Vitamin B complex is composed of 8 B Vitamins. Each of these essential vitamins contributes to your overall bodily function. Read on to learn more about how these nutrients benefit you, how much you need, whether you should take supplements, and more. B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism. Thiamin (vitamin B1) is essential for the brain and other organs to process proteins, carbs and fats. It is necessary for the body to make energy and metabolize amino acids and blood sugars. Thiamin can be depleted by high-sugar diets, alcohol and various prescription drugs. Even mild deficiency is linked to memory loss, confusion, irritability, and sleep problems. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is essential for your body’s energy production. It’s also needed for the body to properly process carbs, fats and amino acids. It helps to maintain DNA and gene structure and is necessary to maintain glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant Niacinamide is a fully active form of vitamin B3 that bypasses the uncomfortable skin flush linked to the niacin form of B3. Niacinamide is centrally involved in the body’s generation of energy. This vitamin is easily depleted by excessive alcohol intake, smoking and some contraceptive medications. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to memory loss, paranoia, aggression and mood problems Vitamin B6, as pyridoxine and pyridoxal-5-phosphate, is essential for at least 100 enzymes that help the brain make key neurotransmitters. It helps the body utilize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids derived from proteins. Vitamin B6 aids the conversion of potentially damaging homocysteine into useful antioxidants. It also promotes relaxation and a healthy mood. This formula provides the two chemical forms of B6 that are most fully absorbed and utilized. Methyl folate (MTHF), is required by the brain to make neurotransmitters, to produce the myelin insulation of nerve cells, and to make the sleep hormone melatonin. It also helps the liver and other organs recycle the metabolic product homocysteine, to prevent it from building up to toxic levels. Vitamin B12 is essential for the structural integrity of the brain and spinal cord. Higher levels of B12 are linked to better mood, behaviour, personality and mental clarity. This formula supplies cyano-cobalamin, which is highly bioavailable. Biotin, this B vitamin is vital for DNA structure and for healthy gene activity. Biotin is built into the structure of several enzymes that mitochondria use to make energy. Biotin is involved in gene regulation via epigenetics, a process necessary for the healthy development of the brain, skin, hair, nails and everything else in the body. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is necessary for making energy. It is also essential for our brain to make amino acids, proteins and hormones, convert fats into useful fatty acids and build cell membranes. Deficiency of this vitamin is linked to the loss of electrical insulation (demyelination) of the nerve cells, which can thoroughly impair mental performance.

key benefits.

    Cell Health

    Growth of Red Blood Cells

    Energy Levels

    Good Eyesight

    Healthy Brain Function

    Good Digestion

    Healthy Appetite

    Proper Nerve Function

    Hormones & Cholesterol Production

    Cardiovascular Health

    Muscle Tone